Area of Greatest Need
$10,000 and Up
Victoria Griffin
$5,000 ‐ $9,999
John & Amber Elwood
Robert & Elizabeth Crider
$1,000 ‐ $4,999
Kenny Glass, Inc.
Mark & Marabeth Levett
Roger & Eva Cagwin
Drs. Dale & Linda Guse
Christopher Raskob
Mary & Jim Henderson
$500 ‐ $999
Chuck & Geri Wilt
Kathy & Rex Baumgart
David & Wilma Doup
Family Chiropractic and Wellness LLC
Christine & Tom Vujovich
$100 ‐ $499
The Tony London Company Inc.
Jeff & Karen Jones
Mary & Bob Orben ‐ In honor of Chip Orben
Nancy Conner
Drs. Steven & Helen Kinsey
Richard & Susan Miller
Pat & Ben Bush
Nancy Ann Poynter
G. Terrence & K. Coriden
Hutch & Kevina Schumaker
Joe & Kathleen Sheehy
Kenny & Susan Whipker
Kelly & Sam Geckler
Doug Melanie Fauth
Dave & Janice Fisher
Richard & Alice Gold
Mickey & Jenny Kim
Jim & Pam Lienhoop
Raymond & Elizabeth Morris ‐ In honor of Parks and Recreation Staff
Wayne & Karen Ripberger
Jack & Marjorie Schmeckebier
Judy Shepherd ‐ In memory of Charles D. Shepherd
Donald & Shirley Trapp
Up to $99
Research Club on behalf of Dave Hayward
Larry & Lynn Lucas
Matt & Cheryl Carothers ‐ In honor of Chip Orben
Richard & Joyce Fleck
Ann & Bill Jones
Michael Leavitt
Louis Joyner Architect
Scott & Chris Newlund
Barbara Salee
Sam & Fran Simmermaker
Steve & Judy Jasper
Melvin L. Buchanan
Gary & Beth Ann Dismore
Tim & Suzy Lax
P. Parker & Martha A. Newsom
Robert & Laura Swartzbaugh
Susie Gregory
Sofia Reyes
Richard Williams
Sofia Reyes
Richard Williams
Matt & Brittany Diebolt
Stephanie Gorham
Nilesh Priy
Chuck Wilt Youth Scholarship Program
$15,000 and Up
Columbus Running Club/Mill Race Marathon
Russell & Jean Hashman Endowment Fund
Mary & Jim Henderson
$100 ‐ $499
Nancy Wilt ‐ In memory of Ryan Wilt
Nancy Wilt ‐ In honor of Chuck & Geri Wilt
Randy & Jill Schedit
Loren & Cindy Brummett ‐ In honor of Chuck & Geri Wilt
Paul & Karen Finke
Christopher & Debra George
Kenneth Dunn
Repp Associates Foundation
Cheryl Gohndrone ‐ In honor of Thomas Gohndrone
Up to $99
Dr. Ilya Schwartzman
Dick & Joann Hendrickson
Steve & Cindy Meyer
Theodosia Rush
Mateo Gamez
Nancy Conner
Jill & Adam Mishler
Thomas & Vittoria Johnson
Lisa Starr
Linda Acton
Lisa Starr
Linda Acton
Jennifer Jaggers
Schoettmer Boys
Rebekah Bales
Dennis Chaplin
Pam, Morgan & Peyton
Nathan Denison
Jordan Kelleher
Ruth Jensen
Philip Jensen
Joseph Finke
Kaitlyn Robinson
Alisha Robinson
Roger Jensen
Micah Jensen
$15,000 and Up
Healthy Communities Healthy Lifestyles Action Team
$5,000 ‐ $10,000
Noblitt Fabricating
Christopher Raskob
Columbus Area Visitors Center Inc.
Victoria Griffin
William & Victoria Glick ‐ In honor of 40 & 8 Veterans, Voiture 1274, past & present
Hotel Indigo
Raymond & Elizabeth Morris
Charlie & Jayne Farbe
The Bicycle Station
Chip & Julie Orben
$20 ‐ $499
Dick & Sharon Boyce
Eva & Roger Cagwin
Charlie Farber
Jayne Farber
Healthy Communities ‐ In honor of Laura Garrett
Willie Austin
Lynne Ketner
Larry Brackney
Columbus Table Tennis Association
Pamela C. Laskerr ‐ In memory of Larry Clark
Jacqueline C Manley ‐ In memory of Larry Clark
Jerrie & Stephen Suckow ‐ In memory of Larry Clark
Endowment Fund
Ward Family Charitable Fund
Ken & Kathy Free
Keith & Joy Reising
Hamilton Community Center and Ice Arena
$10,000 and Up
Louise Hamilton Short
$1,000 ‐ $4,999
USA Hockey Roger Shaffer Grant
Columbus Youth Hockey Inc
Up to $500
Beck Rocker, P.C.
Zeller Insurance, LLC
Integrity Wealth Management
Chipotle Mexican Grill
James K. Baker Tree Fund
Jeff Baker & John Pickett
Laura & Clint Garrett
Mark Selig ‐ In memory of Dawn Selig
Anonymous ‐ In honor of Kris Medic
Rich & Barb Newton ‐ In memory of JoAnn Becker
Steve Hyden ‐ In memory of Clayton Hyden
Grandview Garden Club
Gregory L. Scherschel
Jolie Crider Memorial Skatepark
$10,000 and Up
Columbus Area Visitors Center Inc.
Kenny Glass, Inc.
$6,000 ‐ $9,999
Robert & Elizabeth Crider
$1,000 ‐ $5,999
The Conover Foundation, Inc.
Mike & Donna Keogh
Shayla & Paul Holtkamp
The Maier Family
$100 ‐ $599
Anonymous ‐ In memory of Jolie Crider
Indiana Blood Center
Lizabeth Crawford
Joan Miller
Shalya Holtkamp ‐ In memory of Jolie Crider
David & Angela May
Eva Cagwin
Ian & Mary Kohen
Jennifer Davis
Up to $99
Cameron Tolliver
Benjamin & Stacy Spencer
Chuck & Geri Wilt
Dave & Sue Richter ‐ In honor of Shayla Holtkamp
Karl & Betsy Kissinger
Katherine A. Jones ‐ In honor of Sam Crawford
Pamela Harrell
Dahmane & Calie Amini
Jennifer Vanest
Michelle Carr
Jakob Branum
Kathy Baumgart
Aaron Dietrich
Alison Taulbee
Helen Soloman
Jason Hirsch
Jess Prowant
Jonathan Nesci
Nikki & Kacee Murphy
Pablo Corrales
Philip Burbrink
Ross Westerfeld
The Lowe’s
Debbie Barnow
Randy Allman
Mill Race Park
Columbus Craft Beerfest
Parks/Parks Programs/Facilities
$300 ‐ $549
Kohl’s Department Stores, Inc.
Psi Iota Xi Sorority
Up to $100
The Garrett Family
The Hale Family
Samir Attar ‐ In honor of ISCI
People Trail Network/Maintenance
$15,000 and Up
Columbus Running Club/Mill Race Marathon
$1,000 ‐ $2,999
Reams Foundation Inc.
Scott Baize
Salin Bank on behalf of Angie May
$300 ‐ $549
Randall & Gayle Stafford
Shailesh Gugale
Dave & Claudette Hayward
$100 ‐ $299
Kelly & Sam Geckler
Kathy & Rex Baumgart
Kevin Sherlock
MB Wert
Steve Tam
Paul & Karen Finke
Edward & Vivian Eckerly
Don & Dody Harvey
Jim & Peggy Voelz
Mark & Elaine Burton
Greg & Judith Summerville
Catherine Simmons
Up to $99
Christian & Stacey Wessel
Janet & Roger Lang
John & Cindy Smock
Robert W. Wire
Gregory L. Scherschel
Patrick Noonan
Dan Schroer
Illuminate the People Trails ‐ Lizzy Frazier’s Senior Project
Girl Scouts of Central Indiana Troop #60255
Monta Frazier
Tour de Trails Sponsors/Donors
$1,000 ‐ $2,499
Kenny Glass, Inc.
C.A.S.E. Construction, Inc.
The Bicycle Station
Duke Energy
$500 ‐ $999
Tropical Smoothire Café
Strand Associates, Inc.
SIHO Insurance Services
Simmons Winery/450 N Brewing Co.
Taylor Bros. Construction Co., Inc.
Excavation Plus, Inc.
The Bicycle Station
$100 ‐ $499
Aquatic Control, Inc.
Christopher B. Burke Engineering
Columbus Regional Health
Milestone Contractors, L.P.
Impact Forge Group/Columbus Manufacturing Facility
William & Victoria Glick
Baker’s Fine Gifts and Accessories
Sky Sport Fitness
The Kroot Corporation
Repp Associates Foundation
Northwestern Mutual
Up to $99
Henry’s Social Club
Hoosier Sporting Goods
White River Running
Noble’s Barbershop
Gossip Nails
Kyle Adcock
Scott Baize
Luiz Esparza
Daniel Johnson
Sigrid Koch
Martin Maudi
Mike Sheridan
Tour de Trails Participants
Kyle Adcock
Natalie Adkins
Eduardo Alano
Jennifer Alexander
Elizabeth Anthony
Larry Anthony
Jenna Armuth
Yfat Aronov
Vinay Athaide
Mandar Atre
Kathryn Bacon
Andrea Bailey
Scott Baize
Margaret Baker
Leeds Barroll
Jesse Bassett
Matt Battin
Noah Battin
Sierra Battin
Paul Baugh
Theresa Baugh
Kathy Baumgart
Steve Bayer
Shannen Belcher
Joseph Bell
Nancy Bell
Saroja Bhavath
Donna Bishop
Christopher Bland
Pamela Bobb
Chris Bodart
Piyush Borole
Megan Bos
Angela Bowling
Darrel Bowling
William Boyd
Dan Boyer
Lucy Brewster
Darlene Bricker
Steve Bricker
Jose Buono
Robert Burns
Phil Bush
Rick Bush
Mollie Bush‐Nord
Cierra Caffee
Joseph Calandro
L Jay Campfield
Andrea Carpenter
James Carr
Matilda Carr
Paul Chapple
Justin Clason
James Clerc
Holly Coates
Mike Coffey
Ray Coffey
Lainna Cohen
Kasey Coleman
Julie Colin
Jimmy Collins
Jennifer Combest
Susan Cox
John Crawford
Andie Cruser
David Cunningham
Stan Cunningham
Stephanie Cunningham
Vanessa Cunningham
Mara Dahlgren
Hunter Dai
Kira Daugherty
Duane Davis
Brad DeCamp
Carol DeCamp
Neel Deshpande
Shripad Deshpande
Alek Devidze
George Devidze
Luca Devidze
Bryan Dewar
Laura Dodd
Sheila Dodd
Dawn Doup‐Pandit
Tim Dunaway
Jessica Edwards
Shannon Edwards
Hudson Elwood
John Elwood
Luis Esparza
Jamie Estep
Charlie R. Farber
Jayne Farber
Brittany Ferry
Darrin Ferry
Karen Finke
Paul Finke
Elisabeth Fischer
Kessha Fischer
Alma Flores
Jessica Floyd
Tina Foster
Alec Friend
Jaclyn Gadberry
Matthew Gadberry
William Galbraith
Juan Galicia
Cesar Gamez
Magda Gamez
Valerie Gard
Dale Gauck
Tori Gauck
Alyssa George
Chris George
Debbie George
Hannah George
Sarah Gerth
Ashley Getz
Cody Getz
Laura Gilbert
David Glesing
Victoria Glick
William Glick
Brandie Goforth
James Goforth
Austin Goode
Brittany Goode
Roy Goode
Alan Goodno
Pedro Gracia
Megan Gramer
Todd Grimes
Jim Gross
Andrew Haddock
Daniel Haddock
Tara Hammons
Luke Hampton
Randy Hampton
Donald Harriman
Jim Hartmann
Arnold Haskell
Karla Hass
Bill Hawkins
Cooper Hawkins
Jack Hawkins
Sydney Hawkins
Therese Hawkins
David Hayward
Walter Henrichsen
Josh Hercamp
Kayla Hercamp
Stan Hill
Benjamin Hilliard
Jaisun Hilliard
Natalie Hilliard
Takahiro Hirooka
Elizabeth Hlavaty
Gina Hohenstatt
Jason Hoy
Stephani Hoy
Marcelene Huesman
Eric Humes
Robert Hutson
Aidan Jeffares
Prathap John
Benjamin Johnson
Cindy Johnson
Daniel Johnson
William Johnson
Mark Jones
Michelle Jones
Patra Jones
Alan Kilbarger
Reese Kilbarger‐Stumpff
Philip Koch
Sigrid Koch
Katy Krenzke
Mark Krenzke
Bill Krieg
Emily Kubiszewski
Kathy Kubiszewski
Robert Kubiszewski
Janet Lang
Roger Lang
David Lehman
Rick Lucas
Genevieve Mackos
Giuliana Mackos
Heidi Mackos
Ryan Mackos
Perez Madison
William Mahoney
William Manning
Risa Marks
Leopoldo Martinez
Rick Mason
Ronnie McAllister
Audra McNear
Tim Mellinger
Matthew Meyer
Ian Mihay
Celeste Miller
Beni Miyamoto
Yuki Miyamoto
Monica Gissel Morales Mata
Suzanne Morgan
Samantha Morgen
Greg Morris
Kim Morris
Hannah Mowery
Martin Muadi
Trace Mulcahy
Robert Mullally
Mike Mullen
Hope Nelson
Nate Nichols
Patrick Noonan
Andrea Nordhoff
Angela Novreske
Dan Novreske
Bryce Olsen
Eric Osecky
Carrie Owens
Kyla Paige Kessler
Bibin Pattel
Greg Patyk
Alyssa Paul
Maximilian Paul
Tammy Pedigo
Peggy Persinger
Cecile Pettit
Sarah Pittman
Prasad Poludare
Siri Poludasu
Amber Porter
Bill Porter
Holly Powell
Marcia Powers
Sourav Pramanik
Angus Proctor
Tim Proctor
Carrie Pumphrey
Tamas Rautnitz
Brent Rea
Jared Reckers
Noah Reckers
Robert Reynolds
Sophia Reynolds
D Richard
Dave Richter
Kim Robinson
Pascal Rodriguez
Tony Romanski
Jose Arturo Romero Pena
Melissa Rose
Anna Ruble
Jessica Ruble
Nola Ruble
Steve Ruble
Zak Ruehman
Erin Russell
Maggie Russell
Sam Russell
William Russell
Matthew Rust
Alberto Salas
Barbara Salee
Jason Salim
Hope Sallee
Jon Sanders
Trish Sanders
Dan Schroer
Josh Schuman
Tom Schuman
Tom Scott
Isabella Severs
Steve Sharer
Paulette Shaw
William Shaw
Christina Shelton
Mike Sheridan
Crysta Shiner
Gregg Shirk
Daniel Shishino
Kaidenze Shoaf
Sawyer Shoaf
Lisa Shoemaker
Linda Shuffett
Tim Shuffett
Penny Shumard
Agam Singh
Elijah Slattery
William Slattery
Beth Smith
Lindsey Smith
Norm Smith
Robert Smithson
Mike Spock
Boyce Stattenfiedd
Dwayne Steele
Jean Stockdell
Kevin Stockdell
Marcy Stott
Rusty Stovall
Anne Stowers
Heather Stowers
Samuel Strange
Darrell Stroud
Kellie Sturgeon Galbraith
Vijayagopal Subranmanian
Randy Swonder
Rachel Tatham
Anna Tennis
Judy Tews
Larry Tews
Whitney Theis
Gillian Thiebe
Dylan Trandal
Heather Trandal
Sandra Trimpe
Joanna Tucker
Kadel Turner
Kyle Turner
Veronica Turner
George Van Horn
Raii Vijayagodan
Jack Voorhees
Nancy Wagner
Ray Wagner
Yun Wang
Randall Watts
Tom Webster
Christian Wessel
Elizabeth Wessel
Emily Wessel
Stacey Wessel
Matthew White
Paul Williams
Richard Williams
Rick Williams
Vaughan Williams
Robert Wire
Michael Wise
Ben Wisler
Lana Wisler
Madeleine Wisler
Gene Wisner
Scott Wothke
Paul Wright
Masataka Yamazaki
Srinivas Yerragolla
Yunqi Zhang
$10,000 and Up
Columbus Pickleball Club
$1,000 ‐$2,499
Juliana Bernabe
$500 ‐$999
Charlie & Lisa Day
Columbus Area Visitors Center Inc.
David & Marilyn Adams
Joesph W. Kresovsky
$100 ‐$499
Thrive Alliance
Fran Land
Otter Creek Golf Course
Judy Cummings ‐ In honor of the Columbus Pickleball Club
Linda M. Thompson
Michael & Paula Bandos
Nancy Conner
Bonnie Rogers
Papa’s Grill
Ashley Craig
Barbara Kaiser
Curt & Tonnie Reimer – In memory of Bryson Tharp
Cindy Massey ‐ In honor of Mary & Norris Moore
Columbus Foot and Ankle Clinic, PC
Elwood Staffing Services, Inc.
Erler Industries, Inc.
Family Chiropractic and Wellness LLC
Gene & Julia Dura
H2X Excavating LLC
Heritage Automotive Sales
JoAnn Ferguson
Juliana Bernabe & Jay D Miller
Kalli & Malkiat
Larry Husmann
Matt Noblitt
Norris & Mary Moore
NTN Driveshaft, Inc.
Southeastern Indiana Gastroenterology, LLC
Taylor Bros. Construction Co., Inc.
Brad Gonsalves
Oak Haven Bed & Breakfast
100% Pickled
Pickleball Rocks
Carino’s Italian Restaurant
Charlie & Lisa Day ‐ In honor of Norris & Mary Moore
Danny & Teresa Brown ‐ In memory of Dr. Frank Miller
Danny & Theresa Brown
Judy McCormick
Select Physical Therapy
Up to $99
Orange Leaf
Tammy Pedigo
4th St Bar & Grill
Teresa Brown
Christopher B. Burke Engineering
Jerry Rinehart
Upland Brewing
Noble Roman’s Pizza
Pollinator Parks
$15,000 and Up
Columbus Craft Beerfest
$2,000 ‐ $2,499
Heritage Fund of Bartholomew County
Cummins, Inc.
Johnson Ventures, Inc.
$100 ‐ $349
Kathy and Rex Baumgart
Columbus Sunrise Rotary Club
Sierra Club Hoosier ‐ Chapter Winding Waters Group
Julie A. Bilz
State Street Association Inc.
Don & Karen Nissen
Up to $100
Gene & Laura Hack ‐ In honor of Mike Riley and Ron Novak
Christine Eineman‐Christian & Silas Christian
Don & Kerri Gilpin
Shelby & Aaron Vogl
Laura & Alonso Navarrete
Riley Children’s Endowment
Recreation Programs
Mark and Wendy Elwood Substance Abuse Prevention Fund
In Honor & Memory
In Honor:
Chuck & Geri Wilt
‐ Nancy Wilt
‐ Loren & Cindy Brummett
Thomas Gohndrone
‐ Cheryl Gohndrone
40 & 8 Veterans, Voiture 1274, past & present
‐ William & Victoria Glick
Laura Garrett
‐ Healthy Communities
Chip Orben
‐ Mary & Bob Orben
‐ Matt & Cheryl Carothers
Parks and Recreation Staff
‐ Raymond & Elizabeth Morris
Kris Medic
‐ Anonymous
Shayla Holtkamp
‐ Dave & Sue Richter
Sam Crawford
‐ Katherine A. Jones
‐ Samir Attar
Columbus Pickleball Club
‐ Judy Cummings
Mary & Norris Moore
‐ Cindy Massey
‐ Charlie & Lisa Day
Mike Riley & Ron Novak
‐ Gene & Laura Hack
In Memory:
Larry Clark
‐ Pamela C. Laskerr
‐ Jacqueline C Manley
‐ Jerrie & Stephen Suckow
Dawn Selig
‐ Mark Selig
JoAnn Becker
‐ Rich & Barb Newton
Clayton Hyden
‐ Steve Hyden
Jolie Crider
‐ Anonymous
‐ Shalya Holtkamp
Dr. Frank Miller
‐ Danny & Teresa Brown
Ryan Wilt
‐ Nancy Wilt
Bryson Tharp
– Curt & Tonnie Reimer