“JOLIE’S CIRCLE” SUPPORTER – $25,000 or more
- Name and logo recognition as part of a “donor wall” on site at the Skate Park
- Name and logo recognition on donor display at Donner Center
- Name and logo recognition in all advertising associated with the campaign, including all public fundraising events for the Skate Park, special donor page in Columbus Parks and Recreation’s 2019 Fun Guide and opening event commemorative t-shirts.
- Name and logo on the Columbus Park Foundation website
- Recognition as a “Jolie’s Circle” donor at opening event for Skate Park, upon project completion
- Commemorative t-shirts (10)
GOLD SUPPORTER – $10,000-$24,999
- Name recognition as part of a “donor wall” on site at the Skate Park
- Name and logo recognition on donor display at Donner Center
- Name and logo recognition in all advertising associated with the campaign, including all public fundraising events for the Skate Park, special donor page in Columbus Parks and Recreation’s 2019 Fun Guide and opening event commemorative t-shirts.
- Name on the Columbus Park Foundation website
- Recognition as a Gold Level donor at opening event for Skate Park, upon project completion
- Commemorative t-shirts (5)
SILVER SUPPORTER – $5,000-$9,999
- Name recognition as part of a “donor wall” on site at the Skate Park
- Name on the Columbus Park Foundation website
- Name and logo recognition in all advertising associated with the campaign, including all public fundraising events for the Skate Park, special donor page in Columbus Parks and Recreation’s 2019 Fun Guide and opening event commemorative t-shirts.
- Recognition as a Silver Level donor at opening event for Skate Park, upon project completion
- Commemorative t-shirts (3)
BRONZE SUPPORTER – $1,000-$4,999
- Name on the Columbus Park Foundation website
- Recognition as a Bronze Level donor at opening event for Skate Park, upon project completion
- Commemorative t-shirts (2)
- Name on the Columbus Park Foundation website
- Recognition as a Skate Park Superstar donor at opening event for Skate Park, upon project completion
- Commemorative t-shirt (1)
Printable List of Sponsorship Opportunities (PDF)
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Stacy Findley, Columbus Parks and Recreation Project & Resource Development Director: (812)375-2759/sfindley@columbus.in.gov